Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Wife test -keep her or leave her?

This post is dedicated to my anonymous male friend, who is battling with these demons, as we speak. I am talking about those pesky late-night moments, when the thought creeps  into your consciousness -is s/he worth it? Shall I go on? Is this meant to be? Decisions, decisions. To be, or not to be.
(That is the question. Still. )

Yes, those scientists of the 1930s were crafty. They came up with a scientifically formulated rating chart to ease those tensions clouding your judgment. See, it is easy to rank the spouse!  Much like giving points in the Eurovision song contest, this table gives you all the answers. Hmm, better keep that suspiciousness under the belt. So not ladylike. Aw, I do hope she keeps over the 24 points!

Well, this picture would not be perfect without the opposite, now would it?
Let´s introduce the Husband chart, or in other words, is the dude worth keeping around anymore. 

Like a lot of these 1930s "inventions", this one was criticized as well. Really? And I thought this was so scientific and accurate! No way! Poor George Crane. The shrinks don´t always get it right.
Personal bias be damned. 

Although most people who read the test today find it humorous and obviously dated, Crane did attempt to make it scientific. His method was to interview 600 husbands on their wives’ positive and negative qualities. Then he listed the 50 demerits and merits that arose most frequently. Crane, did admit to using a personal bias in weighting the items that he thought were most important in marriage. (Via neatorama)


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