Dexter´s current fifth (5) season is closing its end, and so far to be frank, it has been nothing but underwhelming. Where is the usual bold choices in scriptwriting, Deb´s filthy mouth and bloody gore that you cannot watch? Almost feels like the producers have gone the safe route, opting to have more family -friendly material in order to please the masses. And to get the show more easily available for non-cable consumption.
Looks like I am not the only one. Recent article by the LA Times asks the very same question. The storyline of Lumen is fumbling its way towards the light and meaning, but never quite gets there, if it is to even get anywhere. Julia Stiles´ character is either A)scared b) confused c) the mix of A &B. Like Dexter (played by Michael C. Hall) asks in episode 8 of the new season: " This is much easier with a partner [Elumen]. But a partner in what?"
And judging from the latest episode it is difficult to see where her character is going. Is she the love interest? A fellow psychopath side-kick? To be rescued victim? In a way, the writers are indeed trying to find a partner for Dexter in his murderous pursuits. The primal flaw in this is the fact of being a psychopath serial killer, which Dexter is portrayed as being: they remain unattached, they operate alone, and do not feel remorse.
All along past the 10 latest episodes we have heard the screams of the 13 victims being raped, tortured and butchered by the gang of "take it!"-men club. But we have not seen it. Are we approaching the limit of what can be shown in realm of this story? Is it too much to handle for the borderline dark comedy-material of the show? Do we even want to see sadistic killing of innocent girls?
What is being served for us, and in plentiful, are the constant mass mind games and fake smiles of the motivational speaker "Jordan Chase" (played by Jonny Lee Miller ). Various inspirational speakers and motivational coaches are a kind of perverse sign of our times. The need for someone to tell us we are worthy, that everything is ok is an inherently psychological regression into childhood; longing for our mommy. Secular times have replaced the old priests on Sundays for cd:s, tapes and seminars full of psychobabble jargon that is supposed to change our lives. Small change for offering has been taken over by credit cards and greed. "We are born primal. Do you feel that Dexter? That hunger inside of you to be whole again. That hunger is your primal self. You must open your heart and listen to what it says. Cease the power of instinct. We are going to take it".
Is this the true gore of the fifth season?
What seems to be the highlight so far, is naturally Vince Musaka and his refreshingly out-there comments on his surroundings. I only wish he could get more screentime. Autoerotic mummification. Need I say more?